Which Football Position Should You Play?

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If you are into football and want to play, you need to decide which position is right for you. Where on the team can you make the best contribution?

This quiz is created to decide your ideal football position. It attempts to accurately gauge this for each individual quiz taker. Let's proceed to the quiz.

Created by: marcus
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you have 5 minutes on clock and you are on the other side of the ball what do you do?
  2. Whats your favorite play on offense
  3. Whats your favorite number
  6. What collage do you want to go
  7. whats your favorite team color
  8. Which would you rather go to jail for
  9. How big is your ego
  10. if someone Shoves you what do you do
  11. What position do you want to play

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Quiz topic: Which Football Position should I Play?