Which FNaF Character Are You?

Bonnie yay FNAF FNAF MY FAVE GAME CHECK IT OUT IF YOU LOVE HORROR HORROR RULES (also, I've seen videos that said that Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is real, totally cool).

AO, you now FNAF it's a game abut horror were you are a surcuurity guard in the first 4 games, the 4th game is were your a kid but the 4th games in what I said is FNAF:sister loacation.

Created by: i don't no my name.
  1. Where would you live?
  2. If you chose a resturent, what kind of ressturant.
  3. What's your habbitat (amanetronic animal well just the animal)?
  4. What's the gang?
  5. Pick a number.
  6. Whos foxy
  7. Who's the least faveriote character in FNaF 2?
  8. What does FNaF stand for?
  9. What is the character are you in FNaF 1?
  10. What does ballon boy say?

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