Which fnaf 2 chracter are you?

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Want to try to see what your look like as a toy animatronic then your lookin‘ at the right place It took me a long time to make this about two hours i just noticted while im making thisthis ur awesome

If you dont like fnaf i dont know why your lookin‘ at me bruh. but if u do then your lucky now lets see you ass an animatronic in fnaf 2 (only toy animatronics sorry its hard to make this at 1am in the morning.)

Created by: ToyBonnie15
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite food?
  2. What is your favorite color
  3. Do you like fnaf?
  4. do you like freddy
  5. do you like bonnie
  6. Do you like chica
  7. What is your favorite fnaf youtuber
  8. How would you explain yourself?
  9. (Were almost there) What is your favorite place to get food
  10. Last Question- If you were an animatronic who would you like (not just like i mean like like)

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Quiz topic: Which fnaf 2 chracter am I?