Which fnaf 1 character likes you?

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Hi! I’m Amber Goodshine! If you enjoy this, pls sub to my yt channel! If you don’t like it, pls sub to my yt channel! (My channel is Amber Goodshine Productions)

The title rly explains it, but if u rly need it spelled out for you, this quiz is seeing which FNAF character has a crush on you, and it works by having each FNAF 1 animatronic asking you a question, followed up by ur results.

Created by: Amber Goodshine
  1. Haiiii this is my first quiz so don’t judge me is it suuucksss TvT
  2. Chica: what’s ur fav color?*hides*
  3. Freddy: What instrument do you play?
  4. Foxy: What do ye think about pirates
  5. Bonnie: What type of books do you like?
  6. Golden Freddy (Cassidy): didn’t expect me, huh? Well, if you were killed by someone, would you want revenge?
  7. Golden Freddy (C.C): Hai, ummm, who is ur fav Afton?
  8. Mike: I mean, I’m technically the night guard even if I’m not a really a result so…Do you rly want a question from me? I guess…who is your fav animatronic?
  9. Okie two more questions! U ready?
  10. Fate?

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