Which Flower Personality Are You!?

Okay, so over the summer my best friends and I were intrested in writing a personality quiz, after my spark of inspiration nicknaming my friend Zara "Daisy", Lia "Juniper", and myself, "Fuschia". In telling my other friend about this she put in that she identified with a "Dalila!" So, having already gotten into making personality quizzes, I decided to publish this one!

In this quiz, there are some questions about personality, physcology, and just general questions. Depending on the way you answer, you will be matched with any of the following plants/flowers A) Daisy, B) Fuschia, C) Juniper, D) Dalila, E) Cactus, F) Succulent, G) Sunflower OR H) Dogwood (Tree). Thanks so much for checking out this quiz, please comment on your results and give me a big :D rating!

Created by: Elli Cottle
  1. It's a free afternoon, what do you do?
  2. Describe your relationship with your friends
  3. What is your greatest fear?
  4. Describe yourself in one word
  5. What is your greatest wish?
  6. Which of these books sounds the best?
  7. Which is your BEST quality?
  8. What is your WORST quality *be honest*
  9. What is your darkest secret???
  10. What's your favorite color? (I know you've been waiting for this one :)
  11. Which HP character are you??
  12. Are you a perfectionist?
  13. Annnnnd finally, why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Flower Personality am I!?
