which flower are you?

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flowers are beautiful when you think of nature that comes in your mind it's wonderful maybe a rainbow rose,dahlia,peony,tulip etc! wonderful sights! we love them and they are spiritual they existed also 6000 years ago! cool!

when you find your result be happy with it! it's real! be blessed be brave! flowers AKA/also known as historical charms! they are they best charm in the world! I hope you rate excelent when you get your result!

Created by: Yashika
  1. what is your favorite gemstone?
  2. your age?
  3. if you could choose which Encanto name you wanted what would it be?
  4. your favorite color?
  5. how stressed are you? 10+ is very stressed while 0-1 is calm
  6. your favorite element?
  7. good evil or somewhere in the middle?
  8. what is your favorite fruit?
  9. your favorite season?
  10. which word best describes you?
  11. favorite school subject?
  12. lastly what is your favorite furry animal?

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Quiz topic: Which flower am I?
