Which Flame Flyer are you most like?

This is a thing for a skype group that me and my friends are in and uhhh we're basically a bootleg ''The Yogscast'' lol Enjoy this garbage quiz you guys

I don't really have an Idea for this second paragraph so please. Please just take the quiz. Ignore this. It's all just to get this published. There's too much effort

Created by: Cider the Wolf of DeviantArt
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your hobby?
  2. Are you a furry?
  3. Do you like Anime or Manga?
  4. Favorite Pokemon (out of these choices)?
  5. Which vacation spot do you like the most?
  6. Skyrim?
  7. Would you consider yourself ''Dirty Minded''?
  8. Are you smarter than a 5th grader?
  9. I'm out of ideas
  10. Did you like this garbage quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Flame Flyer am I most like?
