Which FiveS0S Member Would You Date

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This quiz has to do all with five seconds of summer-5S0S- (sorry I'm typing crap, I just wanna get the description done so you can take the test xD) so enjoy!

Take this test and see which five seconds of summer member is good for you :D. Ashton-Luke-Michael-Calum are all the cute funny amazing guys you might get! Enjoyyyy!!!!

Created by: Liel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Height?
  2. Animals?
  3. Date? :o
  5. Fav 5S0S song?
  6. Choose an instrument
  7. Hair color?
  8. Random
  9. Who do you want? (This is tricky soake sure u figure it out xD)
  10. Solo, did you like it? :D

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