Which Female Tom and Jerry character are you?

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If you wanted to be a female Tom and Jerry character, what would you be? We limited it to my three main favorite characters and also are you one of them? Find out by taking this survey.

Are you a female Tom and Jerry character, what are you mostly like out of the 3 girls. Are you a dog, cat or horse? Which one are you? Take this survey and find out by yourself….

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your species?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What animal is your boyfriend?
  4. What is your favorite number?
  5. What is your favorite color of dress?
  6. Are you a Christmas special character?
  7. What Disney princess you like?
  8. What color is your hair?
  9. Pick a Garfield character.
  10. Do you get kidnapped?

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Quiz topic: Which Female Tom and Jerry character am I?
