Which female Harry Potter character are you?

There are many Harry Potter fans in this world. I sure am one of them! But I bet half of them don't know who they're REALLY like! I hope you guys like my quiz!

Ever wondered which female Harry Potter character you'd be? Well here's your chance to find out! Will you be who you think you're most like? Or will you have a surprise?

Created by: ThunderClaw

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which word describes you best?
  2. Somebody calls you a weirdo as an insult, what is your reaction?
  3. There is a party (yay!), how long will it take for you to get ready?
  4. Your hair is...
  5. You are looking for your wand when you find it and it's broken! What is your reaction?
  6. What is the worst thing about yourself?
  7. You find a hidden box of treasures! What do you look at first?
  8. Your great at...
  9. Moon, stars, sun or other planets?
  10. You are in a garden, what catches your eye first?

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Quiz topic: Which female Harry Potter character am I?