Which FCer Are You?

There are some pretty awesome FCers on Stardoll, many of them are dedicated and active and would be devistated if they were banned. The FCers all have a different, unique style and aren`t afraid to show that!

Find out which FCer YOU are by taking this quiz, who will you be? Well, all thanks to this quiz, you can find out within a minute, or so! Created by nemo.emo

Created by: Nina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You always say..
  2. Your style is..
  3. Your favourite kind of music is..
  4. Your favourite colour is..
  5. Your favourite celebrity out of the following is..
  6. Your favourite Stardoll brand is..
  7. In fc, my topics are usually..
  8. You really want your hair to be..
  9. Your medoll`s hair is..
  10. You see yourself as..

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Quiz topic: Which FCer am I?