Which Famous Singer Are You?

Hello, before you start the quiz, please read this! First of all, this wasn't my favorite quiz to make. It was actually requested by my friend, who is obsessed with Taylor Swift.

Anyway, this quiz will tell you which famous singer you are! You could be Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Dua Lipa, Ed Sheeran or Olivia Rodrigo! Find out which one you're most like right now!

Created by: goldenparrot25
  1. Who is you're favorite out of these?
  2. Which song is you're favorite out of these?
  3. What is you're favorite colour?
  4. Have you been to any of the concerts below?
  5. Favorite Letter? (A, B, C...)
  6. I am sort of running out of questions now...
  7. Okay I'm thinking up some more...
  8. Alright, here: Wait, I forgot.
  9. Sorry about that. As a Singer, how many concerts would you do?
  10. Last question, did you like my quiz? I spent a lot of time on it! :)

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Quiz topic: Which Famous Singer am I?
