Which famous pop star are you?

My quiz willl tell you which female pop star you are! Kay! Kay! Do you got 7 rings or esspreso? Purple or blue? Ya! Ya! Ya! What u vocal range! It’s a short β€˜n’ sweet quiz!

Learn about them when you get results! Iworked so very teribly extewrmly hard on this! I rlly did! Enjoy yall! I wish you a merryb chirstmas! G68t45rekldjurio4etkrdf Have fun!

Created by: Bob
  1. Which drink do u want?
  2. What’s your aesthetic?
  3. Pick a song
  4. Pick your fav emoji
  5. Close your eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out. Think of an object. What is it?
  6. What ur fave color
  7. Who do u come to for advice
  8. Who do u wanna get
  9. Have fun
  10. Why?

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Quiz topic: Which famous pop star am I?
