Which Famous Person Are You?

There are many good people in the world, find out which one you are! By taking this quiz you will not only seek your identity but also find out about other admirable people.

I made this after a unit at school and we all did presentations studying our people. Some of them were really interesting so they are featured here. Good luck!

Created by: Katherine
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you say is your biggest trait out of the following?
  2. What would you change about the world if you could change one thing?
  3. Do you have facebook or twitter?
  4. If you selected none, then you can sip this question and the next question. If you selected twitter go to the next question and facebook do this one. Do you post something everyday?
  5. Twitter: What is your profile picture?
  6. None: Why?
  7. Do you like your family?
  8. What are you/do you want to be when you have grown up? Sorry if it is not exactly right, just tick the category that is closest
  9. Your favourite?
  10. This is the end of the quiz Are you ready to find out which famous/admirable person you are?

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Quiz topic: Which Famous Person am I?