which ever after high character are you?? find out here

Hey, this is my Ever After High quiz its very good there might be a few errors but you can see for yourself because i havent played yet but i will so yeah

I hope you enjoy this quiz cause it took a lot of time and effort and its a pretty good quiz, and also this quiz is an Ever After High Quiz But there are some boy options, but you will not get to be the boy, so sorry.

Created by: Raven_Apple_Ashlynn
  1. Who would you like to meet
  2. Do you like Following your destiny?
  3. One two three, i like..
  4. What would you like for dinner
  5. How would you dress?
  6. Lets..
  7. if it were raining what would you do?
  8. Would you live in..
  9. Roommate
  10. If you had a power it would be...
  11. Have a pet..

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Quiz topic: Which ever after high character am I?? find out here
