Which engine are you?

For all Thomas fans out there, you may not asked yourself the following questions "if you were an engine, who would you be?". But by taking these simple questions you'll be able to see who you would be.

Are you like James with his firery temper, or are you like Emily with her sweet kindness. Well, who ever it is you'll be able to see by taking this quiz. Also..choose wisely and good luck.

Created by: Daniel furber

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which kind of this engine do you think is the most superior?
  2. The fat controller tells you to do a job you don't like. What do you do about it?
  3. What is your favourite location out of the following?
  4. A truck starts to cause trouble, what is your response?
  5. Which wheel configuration do you think is the best?
  6. Which of these trains would you take?
  7. Which sodor railway is the best?
  8. Which out of the following is the most annoying?
  9. Which gauge is the best?
  10. Where would you prefer to be working?

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Quiz topic: Which engine am I?