Which Eeveelution are you?

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Ahh eeveelutions,Very popular among us pokemon fans.Have you ever wondered which eeveelution am i?Well this quiz is for you!I hope you enjoy and hope you get who you want :)

Hey im Rose and this is my first quiz here on gotoquiz. Im sorry i didn't know what questions to do at the last 4 so they are bad.Well no hate please!

Created by: Rose

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type is your favourite?
  2. Fave colour?
  3. Fave gen?
  4. Who do you want to be?
  5. Would you rather have long hair or not?
  6. Fave legend?
  7. Do you like lots of colours or just 1/2
  8. What is your favourite season?
  9. Did you enjoy this? (this was my first quiz)

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Quiz topic: Which Eeveelution am I?