Which Earl will fall for you.

This is another black butler quiz and I was bored and if you don't like black butler don't be rude about it ok? Also I'd love to know what ya'll think of my quiz so please vote.

If you don't get the result you well the truth hurts sometimes so deal with it and if you hate both earls why are you here? Please don't be mean to me about this quiz it's my first one.

Created by: Mar
  1. Favorite tea?
  2. Fav color?
  3. Normal emotion
  4. Did you like this quiz and would you vote or comment?
  5. Do you like anime
  6. Fav dessert
  7. Angel or demon?
  8. Are you the future owner of a company
  9. Do you like parties?
  10. why did you take this quiz

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