Which Drumsy member are you?

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"-2Here you get to test what drumsy member you are! If you liked or disliked this quiz just dislike or like i wont judge, scottish scotland lads lol popcorn"

213123"-dont read this: dawnhdiwahdusefhbsdafhewghaiufgebashfbiuwaehfbsajfbdjcsbdcsabfwamenfbseuaibhfjsadfbushbfiudhferhugfjwiekhfeuiyfhedyfskujfbsdfheruifbsufhadjfg

Created by: no? of no.com
(your link here more info)
  1. Favorite Color? (Isn't relevant but answer still-)
  2. Favorite animal?
  3. What would you wear?
  4. Who would you simp for o-o
  5. Favorite character?
  6. What do you play on more
  7. If you saw your future self you would see yourself as:
  8. What social media do you use?
  9. What would your personality be?
  10. Favorite electronic?

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Quiz topic: Which Drumsy member am I?
