Which Dragonet of Destiny are you?

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Hi everyone! 🙋🏽‍♀️This is Mango and Sandy (again!🤣) We have another quiz! This one is to find out which Dragonet of Destiny you are. This is a question I’VE always wondered, so maybe you have too!

I hope you get the one one you want! If not all I can say is try again. I hope y’all like this quiz. I worked really hard on it and I’m glad there are dragons out there who want to take it. We wish you all the power of Wings of Fire!

Created by: Mango and Sandy
  1. Who do you want?
  2. Which one would you rather live in?
  3. My friends would describe me as…
  4. You hate it when other dragons…
  5. I would want ** to be my relatives:
  6. What’s your favorite color?
  7. My favorite tribe is…
  8. How do you prefer to fight?
  9. Do you want to be queen?
  10. My favorite food:

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Quiz topic: Which Dragonet of Destiny am I?
