Which Dragonet of destiny are you?

In this quiz you have to answer the questions to find out which dragonet of destiny you are most suited to! It there are no wrong answers! Please have fun and enjoy!

Who will you be like? will you be like kind thoughtful Sunny?smart and soft spoken Starflight?How about Some times loud (OK VERY loud) and sarcastic Tsunami?Maybe you'll be like sarcastic and strict (but caring) Gloryor Kind hearted, friend loving Clay! Who will you be most like? Find out...

Created by: LilMe111
  1. Where in the house if your favourite part to be in?
  2. What is your favourite drink?
  3. Who is your favourite wings of fire character?
  4. Which queen would you choose?
  5. Would you kill someone is your loved ones were involved
  6. what food do you like?
  7. Which tribe would you like to be Queen/King of?
  8. What is your favourite colour?
  9. What is your gender?
  10. Do you believe in Prophesy?

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Quiz topic: Which Dragonet of destiny am I?
