Which Dragon Quest 11 Party Member Are You?

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Hello and welcome to my DQ11 quiz! I really love this game and the fandom, and I really wanted to make a personality quiz based on the party members since there's not many quizzes of the game on the Internet.

Which Dragon Quest XI party member will you get: Eleven, Erik, Veronica, Serena, Sylvando, Jade, Rab, or Hendrik? Take this quiz to find out! Please enjoy!

Created by: Ingrid Pyre
  1. Who's your favorite party member? (no effect)
  2. What's your go-to weapon?
  3. What do you do to relieve stress?
  4. What is your preferred type?
  5. How would others describe you?
  6. Which RPG class do you think you suit the best?
  7. Which of these mottos do you like best?
  8. What is most important to you?
  9. What do you think is your best personality trait?
  10. What music do you like?

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Quiz topic: Which Dragon Quest 11 Party Member am I?
