Which doll are you

In this 10 question quiz you will find out which doll you are more like. Are you more like a baby alive, American girl, or Barbie. All I can say is they are all amazing in my opinion

I designed this quiz for you to have fun and you might be surprised at the results.This is my first quiz and I really hope you all like it because it was so much fun to make for you.

Created by: crystal smith
  1. Which do you love more
  2. Which is your favorite color
  3. what is your favorite animal
  4. what color hair do you have
  5. what is your favorite candy
  6. what is your favorite movie
  7. whatt color are your eyes
  8. what do you wish you could be
  9. where would you live
  10. which do you want to be

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Quiz topic: Which doll am I

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