Which Doki Doki Literature Club Character Are You?

Have you played the game Doki Doki Literature Club? Probably, unless you missclicked. If so then please leave. Have you left? Okay, good. Now let's start.

Now, you're probably familiar with the characters: Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri, and of course, Monika. But have you ever wondered which one you're most like? Well, the quiz below can tell you!

Created by: Roxanne
  1. Alright, let's start simple. Which Doki is best girl in your opinion (I think Sayori :3)?
  2. Let's say you're invited to a party. Do you go? And if not, why?
  3. Your boyfriend/girlfriend starts hanging out with someone else! What do you do?
  4. When you think of a perfect day, you think of...
  5. What do you usually say to bullies?
  6. What is your eye colour?
  7. What's your dream pet?
  8. The most important thing to you is...
  9. Which death in Doki Doki were you most traumatised by?
  10. Running out of questions...
  11. Favourite DDLC song?
  12. Last question I think! Will you rate, comment or both?

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Quiz topic: Which Doki Doki Literature Club Character am I?
