Which Dog Breed Are You?

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Hi! This quiz will (kind of inaccurately) identify which dog breed you are out of 8 breeds. (They’re surprise breeds) It’s a bit short, but I hope you enjoy it :D

Quick little disclaimer, none of the photographs/artwork belongs to me lol, i just pulled it off the internet. (ima just type random stuff bc it makes me type at least 160 characters) e

Created by: KiwiCupcake
  1. If you could pick one job out of these, which one would it be?
  2. Someone calls you over for dinner. Do you…
  3. food.
  4. (pretend you’re a dog for this one lol 💀)Your owner takes you to a ball. What do you do?
  5. FELINE ALERT!!(if you like cats, im sorry but all of the answers are negative)
  6. (some random kid puts bows in your hair) awww so cute!
  8. I’m tired
  9. What is your view on the Earth?
  10. *falls asleep*

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Quiz topic: Which Dog Breed am I?
