Which doctor who character are you

Do you want to know which character in doctor who you are. Well you're in luck because it so happens that this test will tell you the right character with no extra charge.

You must have been through about half a dozen that say nothing about who you really are but this one will tell you the truth about which character you are. Yay.

Created by: Alice may

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are in the tardis when suddenly all the controls are down and you are drifting in space. What do you do.
  2. You are in 1941 and the war is on but then the cyber en turn up and start deleting. What do you do
  3. Your best friend is about to be sucked into a time vortex. What do you do
  4. You are waiting for someone for ages but they don't turn up. What do you do
  5. You are stuck in a different time to your friend but you are in the same place. What do you do
  6. You are sitting at home watching tv when a dalek suddenly comes into the room. What do you do?
  7. You have to choose between your home, you're wedding, the experience of a life time and your boyfriend/girlfriend. Which one
  8. Did you like the quiz (no effect)
  9. Will you rate (no effect)
  10. Will you comment

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Quiz topic: Which doctor who character am I