Which Doctor Who character are you?

There are many people who think that they know who they are, but few that actually do. The results of this quiz should tell you your character personality buddy.

Do you know who you are? Do you know who you aren't? Do you know everything? No, I thought not. Though this quiz shall take you one step closer through learning about yourself.

Created by: Grace
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You would describe yourself as
  2. Your favorite subject is
  3. What is the worst baddy you can think of?
  4. You prefer
  5. Your favorite sweets are
  6. You see me sleep...
  7. My favorite celebrity...
  8. I have ... friends at school
  9. My favorite colour is
  10. Simple one. Good vs evil?

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Quiz topic: Which Doctor Who character am I?