Which doctor who are you?

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Hi, I’m the creator of this quiz, because doctor who is the most awesome thing ever! I chose these four doctors because I saw all their seasons. The most important thing is, the moon is still not a chicken 🐓

This quiz sees whether you’re 9 [the emo one] 10 [the happy one] 11 [the fun one] or 12 [the old one] ENJOY THE QUIZ!😜😀😄😃😁😆🙂☺😌😊🤪

Created by: Rachel
  1. What alien would you like as your companion?
  2. Where would you like to go?
  3. Pick an animal
  4. Pick a monster to fight
  5. What scares you most?
  6. What is your favorite colour
  7. What is your favorite season?
  8. What is your favorite space thing
  9. What is the most useful thing
  10. Lastly, how was this quiz

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Quiz topic: Which doctor who am I?
