Which Divergent faction are you?

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Do you like divergent, and wonder which faction you are? This quiz is to tell you which faction you are, and very accurately. I hope you will like this quiz.

Which faction are you anyway? Are you selfless enough to join abnegation, or brave enough to join Dauntless? This great quiz will satisfy that wonder and you will never have to ask that again.

Created by: Me
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick an emoji
  2. Someone dares you to jump off a cliff onto the beach
  3. Pick an activity
  4. If you were to create a quiz, what would the title be?
  5. Halfway done! Are you bored yet?
  6. What do you drink?
  7. You like to play dare.
  8. You like bread.
  9. Your friends know your secrets
  10. You like to talk

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Quiz topic: Which Divergent faction am I?