Which Disticiblie me (1 and 2) are you?

Do you like the famous disticable me? Are you at least just a little bit of a movie buff? Do you want to know which character you are but can`t decide which one to be? Then take take this quiz now! Come on, click the mouse.

There are three characters from both 1 and 2 in this quiz. Betch`a I can find out which one they are. Take my quiz and we`ll see. Please remember to rate it 10 stars. Thx! .

Created by: Tyler
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite colour?
  2. What is your favorite type of food?
  3. Are you good at hiding things so that nobody notices?
  4. Do you like secret places?
  5. Do you like girls?
  6. How much hair do you have?
  7. Are you flexible?
  8. How do people find you?
  9. Whats your favorite movie to WATCH?
  10. What letter doe's your name start with?

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Quiz topic: Which Disticiblie me (1 and 2) am I?