which disney princess are you

there are millions of cartoon characters in this world which are created by fiction but most which are inspired form somone .the way they look and the way they talk.even though they are fiction they contain actions of real human beings

so....do u want to find out what princess are you.jst gove the right answers for the small questions i ask.soon ull find out which disney princess traits you have.this is a fun quiz hope u like it

Created by: siona maria

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is ur fav colour
  2. what your hair colour
  3. whats ur fav food
  4. whats ur dream job
  5. u are on a field trip with ur friend but ur lost .finall u find ur way and to reach ur frnd u hav to cross a dangerous n thin bridge in which only 1 person can cross at a time.suddenly u see a small kid lying on the way hurt,would u help them
  6. wat is ur fav hoby
  7. u are on a field trip with ur friend but ur lost .finall u find ur way and to reach ur frnd u hav to cross a dangerous n thin bridge in which only 1 person can cross at a time.suddenly u see a small kid lying on the way hurt,would u help them
  8. u are on a field trip with ur friend but ur lost .finall u find ur way and to reach ur frnd u hav to cross a dangerous n thin bridge in which only 1 person can cross at a time.suddenly u see a small kid lying on the way hurt,would u help them
  9. whats ur fav hobby
  10. whrre is ur fav place
  11. whats ur fav hairstyle
  12. whats ur fav past time
  13. whats ur dream prince

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Quiz topic: Which disney princess am I