which disney princess are you

Do you wonder every time you watch a disney princess movie i wonder which princess i am?Well thanks to me you can find out in just a few minutes! i hand pick these disney classice princess! If your a boy you might not want to take this ! just saying.

so are you ready to go and find out who you are?i will ask qustions about stores ,kindness ,freinds ,looks and many more! So injoy! And no mean commets please and i dont know if i should make a new quizz so comet on that thank you!#love this

Created by: jayda padilla
  1. what is your style
  2. if you wanted something really bad and someone said you cant have it what would you do
  3. if your dad got kidnapped who would you tell
  4. what type of boys do you like
  5. why are you takeing this quizz
  6. what do you look like
  7. what stores do you shop at
  8. what stores do you shop at
  9. what stores do you shop at
  10. are you kind or nah

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Quiz topic: Which disney princess am I