Which Disney princess are you

Anyone could be any princess , I have lined up 5 for you to test for example you could be either Ariel, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, Jasmine or Cinderella.

Who will you be, take the quiz to find our ??????????????????????????????????or just have a guess at who you are you could always just decide who you are!

Created by: Rebecca
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Someone has dissed you, do you
  2. Someone has said something you don't like, do you
  3. Would you rather
  4. Are you popular
  5. Would you rather be
  6. Would you rather marry
  7. Yes or no if you were in a car crash would you rather be
  8. Would you rather
  9. T/F Ariel married prince fillip
  10. Did belle marry a
  11. Did Sleeping Beauty fall asleep on

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Quiz topic: Which Disney princess am I