Which Disney non-princess are you?

Disney princesses are known world-wide and many girls and women (young and a little bit older, too) love their stories and enjoy watching the movies. They are very inspirating, humorous and lovely. However, there are not only princesses that worth mentioning. There is a lot of not royal-born Disney heroines that do the right things and save the day.

Have you ever wondered which Disney non-princess are you? Well, I definitely have. If you want to find out, you can take this quiz, if you feel like it. I hope that you will have fun and find your new Disney role modelβ˜ΊπŸ’“βœ¨.

Created by: STELLA
  1. First, what do you value the most?
  2. Which element do you feel most attached to?
  3. If you had to sing a song, what would it be about?
  4. If you were a student in a foreign city, what summer job would you like to have?
  5. What do you usually do, when things do not go as you have planned them?
  6. Let's say that you witness a person being bullied. What do you do?
  7. Choose the statement that you like the most, please.
  8. How compelling are you (a scale from 0 - that being the least, to 10, that being the most)?
  9. What is your worse trait out of following?
  10. And last, if you were on a picnic, what would you choose to eat?

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Quiz topic: Which Disney non-princess am I?
