Which Disney Channel show should you watch over the weekend?

This is a really fun quiz if you are a kid looking for a fun new show to watch, or a grown-up who just wants to find out what the kids are watching these days! Enjoy!

You could get Stuck In The Middle, Jessie, Bunk'd, Ducktales, Coop and Cami Ask the World,Sydney to the Max, or Andi Mack. P.S If you get Andi Mack you shouldn't watch it it is a really bad show

Created by: Mya
  1. Are you a boy or a girl?
  2. Which of these colours do you like the best?
  3. What is the most important to you?
  4. Which of these sounds like the most fun?
  5. Which of these shows have you seen before?
  6. Which of these qualities would your friends say you have?
  7. Which of these book titles sounds the most interesting to you?
  8. Pick an animal
  9. Which of these shows do you think you might like to watch
  10. Last question: Will you even watch the show that you get?

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Quiz topic: Which Disney Channel show should I watch over the weekend?
