Which disliked Hello Kitty will you like

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There are some liked Hello Kittys but there are disliked Hello Kittys too. Take my quiz to see which Hello Kitty you will like.

So you want to like a disliked Hello kitty? Go for it! If you are scared, do not be. If you like a Hello Kitty, it will like you.

Created by: Brianna
When Will I Die Test
  1. What do you wear
  2. Do you love anything
  3. Pick a letter
  4. Hellokittyrules
  5. What is your first day of school outfit
  6. Pick a thing to keep forever
  7. Pick a name
  8. Pick a boyfriend
  9. What is your favorite color
  10. How many siblings do you have

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Quiz topic: Which disliked Hello Kitty will I like