Which Descendant are you?

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Do you like Descendants as much as larnold, well that's not possible. Larnold can sing all the songs in every descendants movie with or without music.

Enjoy the quiz! Find out what character you are! Mal, Evie, Carlos, or Jay? Who do you wanna be? Will you turn out to be him/her? Find out! C'mon! Try it out!

Created by: Larnold
  1. What's your goal?
  2. What subject do you like best?
  3. What is the best color?
  4. Who is your crush?
  5. If you have a crush how do you win them over?😘
  6. Who is your favorite villain?
  7. What is the worst fairytale?
  8. Who's the baddest of them all?
  9. What superpower would you rather have?
  10. What is your favorite song in descendants?

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Quiz topic: Which Descendant am I?
