Which Demon Slayer Character Are You?

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Hello! This is a Demon slayer quiz for those who know and don't know about Demon Slayer. You can compare personalities and check with your friends or lack of friends who they are!

Sorry about the lack of Shinobu, Giyomei and Nezuko. I could not think of a good description that was long enough and I also ran out of space. The is also some favoriting so I hope that you don't mind that. :) Be safe, don't die and most importantly, don't like Sanemi.

Created by: Emma of Youtube
(your link here more info)
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. What is your first pick out of these items?
  3. Who is your favorite character?
  4. Which is your favorite element?
  5. Pick one now or die
  6. What's your favorite?
  7. Gender please
  8. You have killed Muzan Jackson (big bad evil guy), what do you do?
  9. Your somebody who exists who is special to you just had their heart broken. What SHALL you commence?
  10. What does your face look like a lot?
  11. Biggest fear! Don't be shy, nobody can see, it's ok bbg😘 I would like to apologies; I am so sorry.
  12. I will not do the fate thing so how will you react?
  13. Who is your favorite upper moon? If you don't know who they are, pick one of the colors I associate them with. The third thing is their meme name.

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Quiz topic: Which Demon Slayer Character am I?
