Which demigod is your boyfriend?

In this quiz, you will find out which demigod boy could become your date. The character are boys from the Heroes of Olympus series. There are 5 possible boys you may get.

Which boy are YOU most like? In this quiz, you'll find out which demigod you'd get along with most. You'll be glad you took this quiz! Have fun!

Created by: Gabriella
  1. It is your first day at Camp Half Blood. You are on a tour with Annabeth. Who catches your eye first?
  2. So you head out to say hi to the big guy at the archery range. What do talk to him about?
  3. Whats your favorite color?
  4. What do you enjoy doing?
  5. What do you find yourself regularly doing?
  6. What is your favorite animal?
  7. What is your favorite weapon?
  8. Your best combat strategy.
  9. Your idea of fun.
  10. Who is your favorite demigod character?

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Quiz topic: Which demigod is my boyfriend?