Which death eater are you?

Do you like death eaters? If you do, this quiz is totes gonna be for you. You can be peter pettigrew, Lucious malfoy, voldermort, belatrix le strange or Severus snape!

Take this quiz and turn into an evil, sly death eater. there are 5 death eaters you can be. Results are at the end of the quiz. 12 questions of wisdom.

Created by: freleopard45
  1. Witch death eater do you want to be?
  2. What would you do if someone in your family died?
  3. What is Severus snapes patronum?
  4. Who killed Belatrix le strange?
  5. What house would you be in?
  6. Is this Quis good at the moment?
  7. What pet would you have?
  8. Who's wand would you have?
  9. Are you happy the quiz is nearly over?
  10. Who do you think you'll end up as?

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Quiz topic: Which death eater am I?