Which Deadly Sin Are You?

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Yo. This is a fairly simple quiz I made that will tell you which one of the seven deadly sins of the christian church you have the most similarities to*. Despite the fact I made this as an atheist, I tried to get all the details right to make this quiz as reliable as possible. *Disclaimer: the seven deadly sins are not people

In order to get the result that is right for you, make sure to answer the questions in this quiz as truthfully as possible. If you somehow don't know what the seven deadly sins are, basically, they are the seven ungodly acts that will condemn your soul to the eternal pits of suffering in H-E-double hockey sticks. Good luck and enjoy!

Created by: Person_2
  1. Hello there.
  2. After paying a large sum of money to attend a luxurious all-you-can-eat buffet and finally arriving at the place, you:
  3. Your favorite color out of the following is…
  4. You're taking a job interview that could determine whether or not you get your dream job. You:
  5. Out of the following, you identify the most with...
  6. After winning the lottery and coming into possession of a large sum of money, you:
  7. Your favorite place in your house out of the following is…
  8. Given the choice to have any of the following items, you would pick...
  9. Out of the following, you identify the most with...
  10. What did you think of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Deadly Sin am I?
