Which day you born in?

There are SEVEN day in the week, There are FOUR blood types in ABO, There are 24 hours in a day... But I will show about The days in a week with MATH.

Your birthday is on ---day! Am I right? "Hey! how do you know? " I know, that was a common math trick. But I should not tell you how to. That was just a part in the quiz. Want more? Play the quiz!

Created by: Math guy
  1. First, You must set days to numbers. Sunday-One Monday-Two Tuesday-Three Wednesday-Four ••• Saturday-seven Are you understand?
  2. Is your number ODD? I meant odd number, undivided by two. As 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
  3. Is your number in this group? (2,3,6,7)
  4. Is it greater than 3? (More than three but not three)
  5. Do you understand Binary?
  6. Do you love math?
  7. RanDoMlY ChoOsE THe AnsWEr.
  8. 10110110110111100011110111100011110
  9. 10100 in binary is 20 in decimal and 14 in hex
  10. Thank you for playing, I hope you enjoy.

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