which dawn midnight person do you represent quiz

many of us wants to make imaginary stories and it's been so fun you have no freaking idea dudes... look at me talking take the quiz. :) from mii bye and goood niightie then. *phew*

0.0 what u say dude?, .....mmm...mmhmm...oh yeah take this quiz?!..... this one, this one right here?!... oh okay i will *clicks gotoquiz >:3 okay lets have us a quiz T^T grrr anxious...

Created by: Tahliya
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how can describe yourself
  2. what do u do with your crush or bf
  3. girly?
  4. how would react if your bf broke up with you
  5. who you like italian,british,french,or german
  6. tall or short
  7. hobby?
  8. money or love
  9. ok
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: Which dawn midnight person do I represent quiz