Which Dawn Midnight "Girl" are you quiz

Some Girls want to know what they are ,and they try to get in involved in sports ,clubs ,and activities so if get the wrong result than you're still you never forget that "you're beautiful the way you are" -Tahliya

Are you trying to find your personality...if yes then take this quiz I hope you find what you looking for...you did Awsome then so see you Later-Tahliya

Created by: Tahliya Lenon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you Girly
  2. While you're on a adventure you always bring...
  3. do you flirt ;P
  4. you love kids
  5. What's your favorite color
  6. what are you good at
  7. what character suits you
  8. dawn is behind you....Hi i'm Dawn
  9. do you love this quiz
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: Which Dawn Midnight "Girl" am I quiz