Which Dark Secrets character are you?

Dark Secrets is a musical idea I have, and these are a few characters from it for you to find out which one you're most like! There are more characters than this, these are just some characters I know will be in it.

These questions are opinion questions or put-yourself-in-this-situation. If your opinion or what you would do is not there, just pick the closest. People have very different opinions

Created by: Ameliaka Hadlaka
  1. Which character do you think is the "Bad Character" in Dark Secrets?
  2. Put yourself in this situation: You just read a story by an adult that teaches "Saying sorry will always help you". What do you do?
  3. Which quality is the worst?
  4. Which quality is the best?
  5. Put yourself in this situation: You have a story due in two weeks. What will you write?
  6. Which quote is the most true?
  7. Who's cooler?
  8. Who do you want to get
  9. Put yourself in this situation: You just read a detective book. What would you think?
  10. Will you believe your results?

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Quiz topic: Which Dark Secrets character am I?
