Which Dark Days Female Character Are You??

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Ever wondered which character from dark days you are?? Of course you have!!! Well here is Your answer!!! Enjoy takin in part in my brand new quiz.

ENJJJJJOOOOOYYYYY!! Have fun doing my very first quiz. Tell me what you all think!! Slighty nervous. Hope you love it. Goodbye my friends!!

Created by: Princess X
  1. What is your personality?
  2. At a party where are you.
  3. Are you...
  4. Are you...
  5. What is your fave colour?
  6. What letter does your first name begin with?
  7. Who do you want to get?
  8. What is your fave animal?
  9. What is your fave subject?
  10. Are you

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Quiz topic: Which Dark Days Female Character am I??
