Which Danger Force character are you???

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Want to know who you are from Danger Force?? Take this quiz to find out who you are. In this quiz we only have the superheroes. they are Brainstorm, Shoutout, Captain Man, AWOL, Volt, and Schwas.

In this quiz you can also learn a little more about all the characters. You can also learn more about yourself. You can figure out which hero you would be.

Created by: Cameron Swank
  1. What Super power do you want???
  2. Would you want to be a snitch???
  3. What would you do to go to a new country
  4. What gender are you???
  5. How would you react to Ray (Captain Man) yelling at you???
  6. Who is your favorite???
  7. How would you be in a picture???
  8. Do you forget to do things a lot???
  9. Who's clothes is your favorite???
  10. What is your favorite color???

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Quiz topic: Which Danger Force character am I???
