Which Danganronpa classification are you?

This quiz will tell you what you are in an average Dangangronpa game. The possibilities are Survivor, Blackened, Victim, and Mastermind. Lets hope you live.

I'm just going to repeat the last paragraph because this second one is required This quiz will tell you what you are in an average Dangangronpa game. The possibilities are Survivor, Blackened, Victim, and Mastermind. Lets hope you live.

Created by: Scilady
  1. Are you a likable character
  2. Are you short or tall
  3. Are you a strong/big character
  4. what is your personality
  5. What do you think about death?
  6. Out of the three games, which do you like the most (doesn't effect outcome)
  7. Do you think you're capable of murder?
  8. which do you think you'll be
  9. how long until you kill
  10. did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Which Danganronpa classification am I?
