Which D.A.B. Squad member are you?

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The D.A.B. Squad is a YouTube channel full of funny skits, awesome vlogs, cool challenges and more, run by four kids, Kurt, Cleo, Alex and Holli. Each have a unique and different personality and are very funny when they collide. I, as their loyal fan am an expert on them, and so I made this quiz to test which of them YOU are.

Which D.A.B. Squad member are you? Could you be swagger like Alex? Maybe as dorky as Holli or Cleo? Or even evil like Kurt? Maybe you will get Abby or Ian! Just take this quiz and see!

Created by: SnowFox
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First off, If you ran a YouTube channel with a group of people, what would your job be?
  2. If you played a role in 'Alice in Wonderland' what would it be?
  3. What's your signature colthing item?
  4. Which of these pets would you rather have?
  5. Do you have a dirty mind?
  6. Which of these clubs would you rather attend?
  7. What YouTube channel(s) do you like/idolize? (Out of these options)
  8. Which color would you rather die your hair?
  9. Which of the D.A.B. Squad members is your favorite?
  10. Which movie genre would you rather watch?
  11. You see someone has fallen and dropped their books in the halls. You:
  12. If you were in a story, you would play:
  13. Lastly, how did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which D.A.B. Squad member am I?