Which custom Harry Potter character are you?

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Everybody knows that they can’t go to Hogwarts, but some people imagine they’re in Hogwarts(like me). The hardest part of imaginary Hogwarts isn’t character drama, but the character name and character’s house.

Take this quiz to find out which custom Harry Potter character you are. Are you Krischelle Starling from Grffindor? Or are you Rose Claire from Slytherin? Or you’re Lavender Claire from Ravenclaw? Or Aiden Griffindor from Hufflepuff? Take this quiz to find out which custom Harry Potter character you are!

Created by: Riina
  1. Will your friends describe you as
  2. You find a person bullying a kid what do you do?
  3. What do you do with your friends?
  4. You’re invited to a birthday party, but your parents don’t let you go, what do you do?
  5. What do you do if a classmate is pleading you to let her cheat on the upcoming test?
  6. A first year trips and spills all of his stuff out, what do you do?
  7. A friend is moving to the beachside, but you want to keep in touch with her, what do you do?
  8. What is your name’s type?
  9. If you have a superpower, what would it be?
  10. Lastly, what will you do if a friend gave you a c!g@rette ?( c!g@rette censored)

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Quiz topic: Which custom Harry Potter character am I?
